Chapter 2 Design in Dialogue, 2021

Edited by ETH Newrope
Published in: 2021
320 x 240 mm, 116 pages, English
ISBN: 978-3-944074-35-1
Graphic design: Studio Otamendi, Brussels and OK-RM (insert)
The book investigates the common, albeit different ways of working of three architecture practices: 51N4E from Brussels, Endeavour from Antwerp and Denkstatt from Basel. All three offices explore the boundaries of architecture, advocating openness and dialogue with clients, users and buildings rather than the autonomy and monologue inherent to many architectural and urban design projects. Digesting the firms’ work and probing for patterns, this book seeks to explain the craft and organisational processes that drive this shared design approach, that we have come to call „Design in Dialogue”.